Friday, December 28, 2018

Simple lesson from life

I realize what the role of crone is: reminding people that they are not too old to dream. Why is it my role, because when I hit my late 30's I felt old. So old that I gave up on dreaming. I doubted myself. Doubted my will, my magic, my way. But now in hindsight, I wish I had kicked my ass. I am in grad school, editing my books, working, and living and I see years I wasted because I believed myself too old. What if I had done one of these things at 37? I would have a Masters. Or I would be 4 1/2 years away from early retirement. Or I would have books for sale. So the lesson is: DON'T WAIT. School will still be school. That story will still need telling. So the lesson is simple. Believe in yourself, and do the impossible. You might be surprised at what you can achieve.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Shortened holidays. Yule party. Friends. and Editing?

This holiday season was pre-empted by a nasty cold. So I'm taking fewer days off to make up for lost work, but I still had time to have a clean-up day/yule party. Had a smallish party (5 friends and cards) and my house looks good. Now to edit the first chapter of my science fiction political thriller. Yes, the crone writes. The crone also is going to grad school and working full time. So it's a full life. Which is what I am noticing. In my youth, I tried to be cool, or popular, or smart. Now, I know that popularity, coolness, and "smarts" are mere illusions. You want people to like you because it makes life more enjoyable, however, pursuing popularity is not worth the effort. You don't know why your personality and others don't blend, don't worry about it. They are not who you have to worry about. Now if a friend levels a realistic critique, then you need to take a close look at your actions. The difference is not that the opinion of another should impact your life, but rather that for some reason you have labeled this person "friend" which implies that you have some respect for them. And their critique may be bull's swallow, but you need to take the moment to see. Coolness, wow, what a concept. There is a glamour about coolness. I am using that in the magical sense. It comes from charisma and willpower. For an artist, politician, or someone in the public eye that is useful, but in your day to day life, nice but really do you want your energy to go there? I would not mind being cool, but expending energy to do it...nahhh. Smartness. I test well. That said, I think most tests are bullcrap. I am more impressed by someone who takes information and transforms the world in a positive manner. A great test is a rabbit trick. It can get you in the door. The rest, as they say, is up to you. And that is not about testable smarts but about creativity, productivity, adaptivity, and ingenuity. I have several friends who have all those qualities in spades and never tested well in their life. It is not about theory, but about the application that the world revolves. So don't spend your time trying for the illusion, find the reality and embrace your creativity, will-power, ingenuity, and your true self. There is your true self.